The Challenger Brand Agency
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Making it easier to run a business. A bank account with integrated tax, accounting, and bookkeeping.

Our Impact



Customer Journey Mapping


CountingUp is a business current (bank) account with built-in accounting software that simplifies bookkeeping and taxes, helping small business owners and self-employed people across the UK save time and money – and ultimately thrive as entrepreneurs.

The team engaged 5&Vine to determine the highest leverage activities to win new customers and continue a consistent growth trajectory for small business owners opening new accounts.


We mapped the customer journey for each of CountingUp’s ICPs to start a business in the UK, and then identified the key points for intervention to reduce friction, add value and make individuals aware of CountingUp relative to the business tax season calendar.

In our research & discovery collaboration with the team, we found that CountingUp’s ICP’s varied drastically from the type of work (blue collar and white collar), understanding of tax laws (newbie to seasoned entrepreneur), and even language (as many small businesses owners are newcomers to the UK whose first language isn’t English). Our in-depth awareness of barriers and needs for each type of ICP allowed us to make informed recommendations, like which ICP’s would benefit from community-based and OOH marketing (in various languages) vs. which ICPs would be better suited to alumni network marketing, as well as the kind of messaging that’s necessary to connect meaningfully.



We optimized CountingUp’s customer journey, with actionable, cost-effective and targeted ways to connect with each of their ICPs. We presented our journey to team leaders from Marketing, Product, and Customer Support to ensure that our understanding of the needs for each ICP during each month of the tax calendar was clear, and so that the team could effectively align on messaging. We were also able to guide the executive team on division of marketing budget based on ICP and time of year, to ensure clarity on execution. As a result, 5&Vine helped CountingUp close a £9.1M Series A.


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status quo and win?

👋 I'm Rahul, founder and CMO at 5&Vine. Reach out to schedule an intro call about your marketing challenges and let's assess how 5&Vine can help your brand win.

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