The Challenger Brand Agency
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We join forces with businesses of all sizes to supercharge their marketing and crush the status quo. And we do it all with customers, society and the planet in mind.

Our Impact



Challenger Brand StrategyBusiness Model Development Social ImpactTeam Design & HiringBrandingWebsiteSEOContentSocial Media

When Rahul started 5&Vine, he assembled a team of kind, talented, and driven people that wanted to leverage their talents to change the game for good. Our small but mighty team set out to help build, launch and grow meaningful brands that disrupt categories and better society

How has 5&Vine stayed true to this intention while evolving into an integrated branding and marketing agency that unlocks massive growth for startups and the Fortune 500? Today we dare to get meta with a case study about ourselves.


At 5&Vine we always start by asking “Why does it have to be this way” and “How can it be better?”

We recognize and seek to address meaningful challenges:

MissionaryAdvocating For Purpose Beyond Profit
Why do businesses focus solely on shareholder profits at the expense of society?
How can we encourage them to go beyond the bottom line and consider their broader impact?
MissionaryEmbracing A Challenger Mindset
Why is there a fear of change in an inherently creative industry?
How can we demonstrate that challenging the status quo is necessary to unlock growth, both to clients and the communities we’re part of?
MissionaryImproving Work Culture Norms
Why does performance-driven workplace culture often perpetuate toxicity?
How can we create an empowering culture that prioritizes both revolutionary work and kindness?
MissionaryRethinking Agency Relationships
Why do agency relationships have to be transactional, siloed and short-term oriented?
How can we act as strategic counsel trusted to identify issues even when they’re beyond our scope of work?
MissionaryTreating Ourselves As A Client
Why is it that agencies often prioritize client work overlooking the significance of their own brand?
How do we exemplify the mindset and authenticity we advocate for through the 5&Vine brand?


5&Vine started by serving startups and scaleups with a Fractional CMO model. Rahul engaged as part of each client’s management team, gaining a deep understanding of their business model and aspirations, and directing in-house and 5&Vine teams toward the highest leverage items.

Over time, our team felt strongly that we could deliver more and better for our clients. We wanted to engage in even more long-term, meaningful engagements where our team could collaborate across our core competencies – from Challenger Strategy, to visual brand identity creation, to holistic marketing campaigns. We also found that clients were seeking this deeper offering that we were keen on delivering.

We set out to reframe the role we play with clients. Just as we do for our own clients, we undertook a deep brand audit, exploring our current: website, social media presence, and feedback from clients. We realized that our Fractional CMO business model and positioning was constraining our impact.

We needed to position 5&Vine as size-agnostic but mindset-specific, serving Challengers relentlessly focused on refining the status quo with a greater purpose beyond profit. So we embarked on a comprehensive rebrand to better embody our vision with the following approach.

Mentality > Size

Demonstrating The 5&Vine Difference

Inspire Social Impact


The outcome of the 5&Vine rebrand can be distilled into one word: pride. To date, our impact has:


  • MissionaryHelped clients win +$1.6Bn in follow-on financing
  • MissionaryDriven 3 acquisitions and 2 IPOs
  • MissionaryCreated meaningful social & environmental impact: millions of pounds of electronic waste diverted from landfills, financial literacy for millions of kids, and campaigns to overturn discriminatory practices, actionable solutions for the Canadian affordable housing crisis
  • MissionaryEarned Tier 1 Press from: The Wall Street Journal, CNN, The Today Show, 60 Minutes, The Economist, Vogue, and more

Our team is proud to share that the 5&Vine website is a 2023 Platinum Marcom Award winner but we are conscious that the 5&Vine brand goes beyond a website, aesthetic and positioning.

Every action we make every day contributes. We are proud of where we are today but recognize that like all brands, 5&Vine is on a constant journey of alignment.


Ready to challenge the
status quo and win?

👋 I'm Rahul, founder and CMO at 5&Vine. Reach out to schedule an intro call about your marketing challenges and let's assess how 5&Vine can help your brand win.

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